Were Your Parents Awesome?

Friday, November 13, 2009

It's hard for some of us to think that there was a time when our parents were younger and were actually considered cool. But a new site is out to prove that wrong.

Just to be clear, the long-haired hippies in this photo are not my parents, but they were somebody's parents...somebody who (correctly) thought they were cool enough to be included in a blog I heard about on NPR, called MyParentsWereAwesome.com. I highly recommend giving it a visit - you'll be mesmerized by the many pages of photos submitted of people's parents usually before they became parents...and no era is spared. Some look like they come from the Victorian age! Here's a few favorites I quickly pulled:

The site has inspired me to get a scanner soon and upload some of my own family photos. And yes, your parents were awesome.


  1. That blog (much like my parents) is awesome. I plan to send in something as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awww so cute! I love the slightly scary one of the goth couple

  3. cool! going to check it out :-)

  4. Thanks for the link. I love old photos. I have a good friend who had the coolest parents. I remember a photo of them on the beach in the 50s and it was something you'd see out of Rebel Without a Cause. Fantastic. I think I'm inpired too. My parents were incredible and really took the 60s and 70s by storm! My mom wore a aqua blue minidress on her wedding day!


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