GoRetro's Mad Men Predictions

I just finished watching season 3 of Mad Men on DVD, and as Don Draper strode towards a new future to the tune of Roy Orbison's "Shahdaroba", (which, the lyrics tell us, means the "future is much better than the past") I thought what a fitting ending. It seems prophetic that the writers chose to end the most recent season just after President Kennedy was assassinated - a pivotal moment for the country as well as a pivotal moment for the main characters of the show, who decided to form their own ad agency. Here's where the swinging 60s decade really begins, and I couldn't resist making a list of predictions of what may happen - or what I wish would happen - in the coming years:
Mad Men, Meet Fab Men
As any Beatles fan knows - or at least, the way we imagine it - America was pitched into perpetual darkness after losing our President. That is, at least, until four young men from Liverpool appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 and transformed the nation into happiness again. I'm sure the writers will weave the Fab Four somehow into the plot of one of the first episodes of season 4...if not by way of some advertising tie-in, then perhaps by tying up traffic in New York. Maybe some of the girls (that Trudy Campbell, Pete's wife, looks like a Ringo fan to me) will go Beatlemania crazy and drive the boys crazy in the process.

With the Beatles came long hair on men...hair that actually moved and didn't look slick and greasy. Don and Pete, it's time to give the old Brylcreem the boot. Both Jon Hamm and Vincent Kartheiser, who play Don and Pete, have proven that they like to get a bit hairy in between season shooting. I could see some of the guys getting hippyish with each progressing year.

I don't trust this Henry dude who has latched onto the soon-to-be-divorced Betty, do you? He barely knows our Betty, and yet he's talking already about marrying and taking care of her. I smell possessive control freak on the horizon, and a rebelling Betty as women's rights come to the forefront. Also, Henry hasn't met the wrath of little Sally Draper yet, who will no doubt balk at the idea of having a stepdad (we already saw how manipulative she can be when baby Gene came home from the hospital.)
Women's treatment in the workplace will find its way into the show - the mandatory skirt chasing and talking down to female staff may soon be in jeopardy.
Dr. Harris, Don't Be A Hero
Joan's lackadaisical fiance announced to her that he was joining the army - and excitingly said, "Maybe they'll send me to Vietnam!" Considering the way he forced himself upon Joanie in one disturbing scene from season 2, I'm betting many of us won't shed much tears when Greg gives his life fighting for his country.

Drug use has slowly been working its way into the show - Peggy smoked her first joint, and Don has proven that he's no slouch when it comes to popping unknown pills. It won't be long until someone gets introduced to LSD to expand the creative portion of their mind. It may even become a way to kill off a character. As morbid as it sounds, I can't think of a more memorable way for someone to exit their contract than to have the writers make them jump out of a building window stark naked on a bad acid trip.
And if you don't think ad guys in the 60s ever did drugs, just check out this creepy 1969 television commercial for IHOP. Just think, a group of ad guys presented storyboards of this to IHOP execs and everyone thought it was a good idea!
I can't wait for season four. What are your predictions for the show?
Wow, a voice over done with helium and speed!! Those dishes looked horrible...that salad especially, and whatever they gave the little girl...ew!
ReplyDeleteI still think Don is too into his Draperness to pull a hippie before anyone else. Henry is evil. Can't wait for Season 4...
Not only that, but the timing/beat of the music is so strange as is having one of the Chipmunks doing the singing. The food looks horrid - that salad doesn't even look like it has lettuce, more like cabbage leaves.
ReplyDeleteI used to love going to International house of pancakes as a kid. I remember going on Easter once after church. A waitress was making a big fuss over me and gave me a big chocolate Bunny. Ahhh yes.. 2009 was a great year.
ReplyDeleteJust Kidding.. it was 1974.
I'm onboard with all your predictions except there's no way Don will give up the Brylcreem. Pete, yes. Maybe. And on a side note, that photo of Hamm is horrifying.
ReplyDeleteAs for Peggy, I'm really hoping she gets a mod makeover. And I hope Betty gets some sense.
Joan's lackadaisical fiance announced to her that he was joining the army - and excitingly said, "Maybe they'll send me to Vietnam!" Considering the way he forced himself upon Joanie in one disturbing scene from season 2, I'm betting many of us won't shed much tears when Greg gives his life fighting for his country.
ReplyDeleteYou've got this little "happily ever after" scenario all mapped out for Joan. What if Greg survives Vietnam and she has to deal with having a Vietnam vet as a husband?
And why have many fans given Betty so much shit for becoming involved in Henry Francis, yet moaned "poor Joan", when Joan was stupid enough to marry that rapist, Greg?
Henry is evil? You mean like that lying man whore, Don Draper?
@Juanita's Journal, no one's sticking up for Don Draper. I was pretty pissed myself when he called Betty a whore after finding out she'd been seen with Henry. Betty should hire a private detective for proof of Don's infidelities.
ReplyDeleteGood point on the possibility of Joan having to deal with a disabled vet.
You sound a bit angry or annoyed with the comments. It's just a show.
You sound a bit angry or annoyed with the comments. It's just a show.
ReplyDeleteI use the same tone that others do when they talk about Betty or any other character they happen to dislike.
Pam--I happen to agree with all of your predictions. Esp. the one about Joan's husband going to Vietnam & not returning--Will Joanie & Roger reunite? There are so many unanswered questions from last season, though!!! Will Sal return? I miss him so much. I can't wait til Season 4.
ReplyDeleteMimi, I love Sal, too. His untimely firing was so unfair, even if that's the way it was in those days. I believe the real reason Don fired him is because he saw him in the hotel and knew his secret.
ReplyDeleteThe new team is going to need an artist, so hopefully he'll return in season 4.
Joanie and Roger...for now it seems Roger is actually being faithful to his current wife, but who knows.
I forgot to mention I do see Pete and Peggy together one day. I think the fact that they had a child is going to pull them together. The scene at the end of season 2 where Peggy told Pete about the baby just blew me away. The look on Pete's face...superb acting in that moment.
Also, not sure if Betty and Don will actually divorce. Don may fight her on this...