And the Winner Is...

Friday, July 08, 2011
I just picked a winner for the Jacob Bromwell skewers. Needless to say, this being a retro themed blog, my method of choosing a name is old school...

I know it's hard to see, but the winner is...Mimi, of 1972: The Retro WW Experiment! Congratulations, Mimi! I'll be in touch to obtain the address to have the skewers shipped to. Enjoy, but don't go using these for your nasty gelatin Weight Watchers recipes (she knows how much I hate gelatin!)

Nice try to everyone who participated, and thanks again to Jacob Bromwell for reaching out to me and contributing the item. I hope to have more cool giveaway items for my readers in the future.


  1. Congratulations to Mimi! And I love the way you picked the winner. No "random name generator" or anything fancy like that, just little papers out of a hat. Now that's old school!

  2. Ha ha - thanks, Luis! Yep, us retro blogs are all about old school!

  3. Congrats Mimi!

    And yes, thanks for keeping it old school!


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