And The Winner Is...

Sunday, August 05, 2012
My apologies for being a little late drawing a name on The Unofficial Mad Men book giveaway. I entered everyone's names into an online random name selector, and the lucky person it selected is....

Congratulations, Doug! Send me your address and I'll get the book shipped out to you ASAP. Thanks for "going retro" and thanks to all who entered the contest!


  1. Wow, I won!! Thanks so much, it sure was a nice surprise to log on this rainy morning and see this!

    Well I love all things retro but my secong favorite love is food, so I'll be sure to try some of those recipes right away--I'll let you know :) Thanka again Pam!

  2. Congrats Doug!! :) Thanks again Pam for allowing us to join in the fun. Cheers!


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