And the Winning Charity Is...

Monday, May 02, 2016

Well, I had a feeling a lot of fellow kitty lovers read Go Retro, because the votes from the charity poll are in and the winner is the Ellen Gifford Cat Shelter! There's going to be a lot of happy aristocrats!

I'll be donating the ad revenue I make during this month from the Blogger Network and Google AdSense to the cat shelter. So for the next few weeks, I'll be tweeting and posting content to Facebook as much as I can, including some older posts. How can you help? You can simply share (or, as I like to say, Cher and Cher alike) my blog posts...share them on your own social drive extra traffic and readership. Every little bit helps!

Next month I'll post how much was made and will donate it to the shelter. This was fun, and I look forward to doing this again around the holiday season, perhaps with some more national charities. Thanks to everyone that voted! 


  1. This was a great idea, Pam!

    I used a Prince song covered by someone else for my BOTB post yesterday!

    1. Thanks, Cherdo -- and I will try to check out your blog post later today!

  2. Great causes all, Pam! I know that Dress For Success is a great organization that gives ladies some tools and a chance to get in the door, so to speak, and allows them an opportunity to use their talents and experience to build a career.
    There is an immense talent pool out there, and a lot of energy. I've been inspired by my niece, who made a good career and a home out of nothing, by herself. I am a fan of hers.


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