Taking a Break

Thursday, October 06, 2011
At least once or twice a week, I receive an email from a kind reader who discovered this blog and wanted to let me know how much they appreciate it. I also get a lot of tips for possible post ideas from my readers and people representing collectors' and other retro pop culture sites. In addition to this, I occasionally hear from PR folks who are seeking bloggers to write about upcoming nostalgic music, TV series, and DVD releases. I'm very grateful for it all and I'm often amazed when I hear from someone or discover that a site with high traffic mentions my blog and links to it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Go Retro is becoming another job for me in and of itself--and while I often wish I had an extra day or two during the work week to just stay at home and post to my heart's delight, I simply don't. I have a full-time marketing job and a part-time social media job and I'm now trying to run a social group on the weekends. Needless to say I'm on a computer a LOT. Most days, when I get home, the last thing I want to do is fire up the iMac or laptop. I want to exercise, I want to read, play the guitar, or simply meditate and relax. 

That is why, my friends, I'm taking a short break from Go Retro. No need to panic! I'm not talking about the time Bobby Darin became a hippie and hightailed it to the Big Sur with an Airstream trailer...though that honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea to me right now. I'm just thinking I need a couple of weeks to rejuvenate my creativity and think about some good future posts. Who knows, I may surprise you and get a post out this weekend. Truth be told I just need a vacation from a lot of stuff right now and want to focus on a few other areas of my life; namely, my career. 

Anyways, if this blog goes quiet for a while that's what's up. Didn't want to leave folks high and dry (maybe just high!) Be back real soon!


  1. I love your blog....but I totally understand your need for some down time. I'm thinking along the same lines, myself. Enjoy your down time...and have some fun. :)

  2. Completely understandable. Have a great break. Also, how sad is it that Friendly's is filing for bankruptcy? I hope you can still enjoy a milkshake before they're all gon! http://www.popomaticdeluxe.com/2011/10/friendlys-files-for-bankruptcy.html

  3. Rest, rejuvenation and refocus: such a great idea. We all need to do that now and then. You will indeed be missed my dear! :)

  4. ...See you when you get back!

  5. I understand completely. Do whatever you need to do, so as not to not burn yourself out. I've been there, and my blogs in the past have suffered for it.

    To tell you the truth, I can't wait for winter because I will be able to throw myself in my writing of a book I started, and continuing to try and build my site traffic.

    Have a nice rest, and we'll miss you while you take it easy. You've got an incredible amount of content you've posted in the last couple years, and have earned a well deserved break!

  6. Thanks, everyone! It's just that I'd rather take the time to put the thought into a good post rather than post something crappy just so the site is updated every few days. I assure you all that Go Retro will not be dormant for long...I just need a week or two to refresh my creativity.

  7. I have really enjoyed blog and am one of those who found through a "major" site. But take your time. I've always thought a blog was just supposed to be a place where you enjoyed writing random things about stuff you love,not the need to satisfy the masses. Do what you love. Those who enjoy it will always be around.


  8. Love coming on your blog and reading all the new material, but I totally understand that burnt out factor, as I have it as well.

    Enjoy the time you're setting aside for yourself and see you soon!

  9. I totally get it. Totally. Will miss your posts, but look forward to hearing from you after a much needed break! XO

  10. I'm a little late in posting, but I wanted to offer support. Sometimes taking a break is exactly what you need to do. Take a break, relax. . . we'll look forward to your return.


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