1,000 Posts of Go Retro! (Really?!?)

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Happy Fourth of July weekend, Go Retro readers (and hey, the t-shirts on the couple above are a perfect red, white, and blue!) A few weeks ago I began noticing when logging into Blogger that I had surpassed 1,000 written posts. I'm still in mind-boggled disbelief -- it's daunting enough to think about the amount of time it takes to write 100 posts, or 250, or 500, but...1,000?

Well, I guess it's proof that work isn't work when it's something you enjoy doing. Go Retro is also turning nine years old this month -- and my desire to blog about my retro-related passions still hasn't slowed down.

As much as I'm patting myself on the back, a blog wouldn't be a blog without readers. I'd like to thank those of you that have stuck around through the years and continue to read and find enjoyment, amusement, and nostalgic memories from my humble site. I really hope to be able to offer another giveaway to you soon, too. Here's to the next 1,000 posts!


  1. WOW!!! That's a huge milestone! Well, I may not have responded to every post, but have certainly enjoyed reading them--congratulations Pam & here's to the next 1000 :)

    1. Thanks very much, Doug. The feeling is mutual when it comes to Apache Dug's Teepee!

  2. Kudos and congrats! Thanks for a great blog, and happy 4th to you too, Pam!

  3. I passed 1000 posts last winter, so I know what you're feeling. Congrats.

    1. Thanks and congratulations yourself, Rich!

  4. Thank you very much, Jeff!

  5. Great job Pam! And what a perfectly "amazing" pic to celebrate the accomplishment! I look forward to many more wonderful posts from you!

  6. Congratulations, Pam. What really sets this blog apart from many others, be they retro-related or not, is the quality of the writing which is top-notch. I have really enjoyed reading this blog over the years. A stand out for me was one you did a few years ago about the fabled Krofft Amusement Park which was really the best piece ever written and the last word on the subject as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Aw, thanks very much, Luis. On that note then I guess I have no choice but to keep up with the caliber of writing -- can't slack off now! Glad you enjoyed the post about the Krofft amusement park.


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