A Call For Giveaways!

Monday, January 04, 2016

Before I delve back into the retro-related content, I just wanted to put this out here for anyone that may see it...I'm always on the lookout for companies that want to donate an item for a giveaway here in exchange for me giving your brand some promotion via a post. In the past Go Retro has given away gift certificates for vintage-style clothing companies, a cookbook inspired by Mad Men, a retro style men's bowling shirt, BBQ skewers, retro inspired greeting cards, and probably a few more items that I can't currently think of off the top of my head. (So far no one as of yet has offered to give away a 1971 AMC Gremlin, but hey, anything is possible!)

The only really qualifying factor is that the product your company is giving away has retro/vintage appeal. And you have to be contacting me from a legit business/email address.

Go Retro averaged about 10,000 page views per month in 2015, but I expect that number to increase this year because of the new template -- there's definitely been a bump in sessions, unique visitors, and page views ever since I updated the look and contacted a virus/malware screening company that resolved an issue with my site that was blocking it to people using their product. I have 500 followers on Twitter and the Facebook page is growing steadily, with currently over 1,790 followers (just a few months ago it was at 1,500.) I'm not on Instagram just yet for a few reasons -- one of them is I simply don't have the time right now to take on updating yet another personal social media channel -- but who knows, maybe I'll give it a whirl later this year.

So if you have a cool retro product that you think my equally cool, retro loving readers would dig, just send me a message via the contact form at the bottom right hand-side of the page. Thank you!


  1. As the winner of the awesome Mad Men cookbook--yes please, more giveaways :)

    1. Oh, that's right Doug -- ha ha, I had forgotten that you were the lucky winner! That book looked cool...did you ever make any of the recipes in it?

    2. Pam I sure did--chicken cacciatore, which came out really good; I think my resolution for 2016 is to put that book to better use :)

  2. You are off to a good start, Pam! Your 2016 looks spectacular. May you be flooded with donated items that I can win! Ha ha ha.

  3. Hope you get some great items! I will not, however, donate MY '72 Gremlin! http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss71/blumontag/10593178_10201716039617731_2495275705170380208_n.jpg


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