Where Have All the Bloggers Gone? Long Time Passing...
This is just a quick personal observation post before I get back to the retro related ones, but I wanted to take a moment to say something to all of my fellow bloggers out there that I know of who still update their sites on a regular or semi-regular basis: congratulations.
You see, last week I noticed in my Blogger dashboard that many of the blogs I used to read at one time are now dead as a doornail. Many haven't been updated in months and a good handful haven't been touched in years -- the one on my list with the longest dormancy period I saw was five years!
It did make me a little sad -- I'm sorry to see them fall by the wayside. Naturally, many of them had a retro/vintage theme. One site that I already knew was no longer being updated was 1972: The Retro WW Experiment. The WW stands for Weight Watchers and the author, Mimi, would make and post meals from 1970s Weight Watchers booklets. I thought she had a really great niche theme, but after she failed to get an interview with WW's founder, Jean Nidetch (who also died last year) she closed the shop up on any new posts.
I guess I'm bringing it up as an excuse to pat myself on the back, because there have been a couple of times I thought of throwing in the towel myself (although I'm awfully glad and grateful that I stuck it out.) When I first starting writing Go Retro in 2007 I did it with the intentions of just posting for fun; I certainly did not expect to attract a lot of readers or make any money with it right off the bat. It took about a good five years before either of those things started to happen (and make no mistake; while I run advertising on this blog, it's not like the revenue I get is anywhere near an amount to live off of; more like I'm grateful it covers filling my car's tank up with gas every couple of months.)
And it's only due to the fact I've been out of work for a while that I've been able to update this site and obsess over the layout and other things about it so much. Blogging can be a lot of work and it can really take a while to build and audience and see results. So I get where so many folks I followed no longer have the time and/or the passion to keep at it.
Having said that, another reason for this post is just to mention the updated blog roll I added at the bottom right side of the page, below the contact me form. I encourage you to check out these swell bloggers' sites, that are still quite active and updated regularly. Some have a retro theme and some do not, but I have my own reasons for following all of them and try to pop in on them when I can. They all deserve their own pat on the back!
Still blogging strong at Pop Culture Safari:
I also a launched a 1966 blog, which charts that year in near-real time:
Congratulations; that's great. I'll check out the new site, too!
DeleteComing up on 5 1/2 years for my film blog and I still find it hard to believe. In the back of my mind, I think one day I'm gonna run out of things to say, but it hasn't happened yet.
Congratulations, Rich! I enjoy your site.
DeletePam I'm really honored that my own personal blog is shown on your blogroll, but also a little embarrassed! The ones you mention were people with a passion for something or to inform & entertain, mine's just the blatherings of a middle aged man who likes to vent, haha :) But still, thank you & as a long-time reader of GoRetro, I'm glad yours hasn't fallen to the wayside either.
ReplyDeleteDoug, your site is one of my favorite ones to read; it may be more on the personal side than the "informative" blogs like you said but it's always entertaining and well written. And you DO cover some retro topics from time to time such as The Brady Bunch and other shows from the '60s and '70s. There's no way I could not include it on my blog roll!
DeleteI fell off while my son was trying to recover from the accident and I'm still trying to get back to normal.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is great, by the way, and I hope it never falls in the black hole.
Thanks, Cherdo! We all need to take breaks from time to time to tend to personal matters or recharge creativity, as I have done many times. I love your blog and your sense of humor that comes through on it!
DeleteHiya, Pam!
ReplyDeleteI'm still blogging after five, or so, years. -mostly just to kvetch; it's cathartic. I hear you about watching other bloggers' sites go silent. There are more than a few blogs I miss reading on a regular basis. Fortunately, I seem to be discovering new blogs all the time, so that's good. I'll check out your blogroll for new and exciting blogs to peruse.
Congratulations, Bea!
DeleteAlthough I've had my Cartoon Cave going since 2006, I must admit it has been quite dormant these last couple of years, resulting in only a handful of posts that were few and far between. In my case, I blame that incredible time waster: Facebook! Yep, I'm guilty as probably most of us are of spending too much time on there rather than devoting more time to blogging. It's a pity too, as the blog is more permanent, whereas Facebook posts disappear quickly on the newsfeed.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I've recently made an effort to revive the blog and am now using Facebook to drive more traffic to it by previewing posts on there. I think that may be the key to keeping the blogging interest alive. Even though I hadn't been as active for some time, I had been steadily adding new links to other blogs that were of great interest to me, especially those that are devoted to Mid-20th Century pop culture like Pam's Go Retro.
By the way, I plan on checking out the blogs of all of you who have chimed in here, and I'd like to suggest that we form an informal little community where we occasionally refer our own readers to likeminded blogs or specific posts. By supporting each other in that way, traffic may go up for all and perhaps it will inspire us all to keep blogging more regularly! Anyway, congrats to all of you who are still hanging in - don't give up the fight yet! :)
I started my blog in February of 2010....Friday Blues Fix on Blogspot. I enjoy listening to the blues and just wanted to share the music with anyone who was interested. I post once a week on Fridays and have managed to post pretty much weekly, with a few glitches mixed in from time to time. It is hard sometimes to get motivated to write, but I managed to get something that's usually worth reading. I really admire the bloggers who post regularly and I can understand when life gets in the way. I enjoy stopping by to read yours and congratulations for hanging in there. :)
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ReplyDeleteI'm still out there Pam. Although I haven't updated anything since last month - I intend to. It is easier to post on Facebook but it doesn't give you the flexibility of a blog. I enjoy your writing and outlook. AKA 42N
ReplyDeleteI'll admit that sometimes I either over research a post or have too much to do at work to post. I also have links on my blog that are long dormant blogs. Thanks for listing me on your blog. It is an honor.
ReplyDeleteI started blogging in 2005 as "just a hobby." Then I lost my job, blogged a lot, and really struggled with the prospect of what to do. While I avoided looking for a job, I got hired at several larger sites, and I've been blogging for a living since. While I am grateful it worked out that way (I didn't have to move or disrupt my kids' lives), my "hobby" is now a job, and I don't have any time for hobbies. Or anything else!
ReplyDeleteYou're living the dream, Miss Cellania! I'd love to know more about how that all fell into place for you -- did the other sites find you and offer you work, or did you apply to them? Best of luck with your continued success!
DeleteAnd it's great to hear from so many people that are still blogging. Keep it up!
Took a long break for various reasons but I have clawed my way back! Also just noticing that a lot of people I used to follow are no longer posting, so good to see that you're still around.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Thank you for keeping it going!