Don't You Forget About John Hughes

This has just been an unbelievable year for celebrity deaths, but I'm particularly surprised and saddened about the sudden death of movie director John Hughes. He died of a heart attack today while going for a walk and was only 59 years old. For anyone who grew up in the 80s, I am sure you feel the same way I do about Hughes movies - "The Breakfast Club", "Sixteen Candles", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", and "Some Kind of Wonderful." Classics. In fact, the last time I watched "The Breakfast Club" I was on a business trip and was disappointed that I had to turn the TV off in the middle of the movie to catch my ride back to the airport. They were smart, funny, thought provoking, and anyone attending high school at the time could relate to them. Today, movies about and aimed at the same adolescent demographic are mostly full of moronic, bathroom humor. When Hughes stopped making teen comedies/dramas, the movies that followed were never the same.
59 from a heart attack. Unreal.
I've been having the most stressful week ever, but hope to get back to regular posting soon. I've so much to write about and so little time.
What is your favorite John Hughes movie?
My favourite? Either the breakfast club or 16 candles - both I have on dvd and watch all the time.