TV Hosts Choose Retro Halloween Costumes
Oops! Wrong TV series. I've never been a fan of The Munsters, but Meredith Vieira and Matt Lauer dressed up as Lily and Herman Munster on the Today Show this morning, while Al Roker was a surprisingly good likeness of Grandpa Munster. I heard that over on The View, the ladies staged an even more retro Halloween: the set was transformed into The Cotton Club, with Whoopi Goldberg singing Minnie the Moocher as Cab Calloway! Joy Behar provided the "hi-de hi-de ho's." Sherri Shepherd was a flapper and Barbara Walters was supposed to be one of the showgirls from her father's club, The Latin Quarter. I don't have a picture yet, but somehow I think it would have been funnier if they sang Reefer Man. Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone!
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