Brunswick's Teen Beat, Circa 1972

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brunswick was a popular producer of yarn and knitting patterns in the 60s and 70s. My mother has a few of their old knitting booklets, and I've been saving this one specifically for the scanner because to me it represents the good, the bad, and the ugly of teen knitting fashions of the time. To be fair I actually like a lot of the women's sweaters in it (except for the Pocahontas-inspired number above - which Brunswick calls the politically incorrect Indian, not Native American vest and headband.) So let's browse through 1972, shall we?

All you need is love. Now this afghan is groovy! I actually want to make this one, except I think I would make the letters white on a lime green background to make it pop out (and really give it that 70s flair.) The instructions for this one made me giggle. They actually say: "You must follow the chart exactly so that your letters really make love."

Again, not bad. The daisy ponytail holders and tennis shoes are a nice touch.

Beam me up, Scotty! Yes, that really is a Star Trek-inspired pullover for the guy in your life, except Brunswick avoids copyright problems by calling it the "Star Track" sweater. I don't know what would be more embarrassing for a teen boy - actually wearing this sweater (that his mom made) or correcting people by telling them that it's a Star Track, not Trek, sweater.

Not mad about plaid. Brunswick also made sewing patterns, and decided to highlight some here. It's interesting to see a floor length skirt amidst the minis.

Proof that even teens couldn't get away from the matching clothing phenomenon of the 1970s (I do think the sweaters are quite nice.)

Bibbed sweaters had to be one of the biggest fashion flops (especially if you had shoes to match.) Unless you are a one-year old, they don't make you cute no matter what. Although that model does seem to be trying awfully hard to look flirtatious and girlish with the finger in her mouth and matching miniskirt.

These mod sweaters aren't too bad...despite the fact that mod had been on its way out by 1972.

A very funny shot. I really do pity this kid model...not just because he was forced to wear that sweater with white pants, but because of the expression on his face. I'm sure once this book circulated around his junior high, he never lived it down.


  1. Yes knitting and crochet did seem to be a big thing back then. On my flickr pics I uploaded one recently of a 1970's knitted wedding dress.

  2. i remember wearing knitted and crochet vests when i was in high school in the early 70's. so groovy! oh, and those tennis shoes were just like the ones we wore for cheerleading.

  3. Retro women's sweaters are so cute. Wish I had mine from when i was younger.

  4. I am trying like crazy to find the pattern of the blanket that says LOVE on it. My daughter is leaving for college soon and I have been looking for the perfect blanket to make for her. This is it..........PLEASE help.

  5. Cheryl - email me at and I can mail you a copy of the pattern.


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